This 2-hour self-paced virtual course is intended to fulfill the theoretical component for the insertion of peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVs) with ultrasound guidance.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Describe current PIV configurations and sizes. Understand the prevalence of difficult to access patients and organization statements on vein visualization solutions the training to support these products.
Have a general understanding of the science of ultrasound.
Demonstrate knowledge of probe orientation and the probe movements associated with a thorough ultrasound assessment.
Verbalize understanding of the practice criteria specific to the planning, selection, preparation and placement for PIVs as outlined by published standards of practice.
Demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of peripheral vessels associated with PIV insertion.
Understand the assessment criteria for vessel selection.
Describe the antiseptic no touch technique for placing PIVs.
Demonstrate knowledge of PIV securement options and their importance.
Demonstrate knowledge of the steps involved with the placement of a PIV with ultrasound guidance.
Understand the steps of proper probe disinfection for ultrasound guided PIVs.
2CEs, 2.25 ASRT Certified